Ingredients:1 tablespoon coconut oil3 tablespoons cumin seeds2 teaspoons ground red pepper1 medium onion, chopped2 garlic cloves, finely chopped1 teaspoon salt1.5 cups yellow lentils washed2 cups vegetable broth1 teaspoon turmericA pinch of sesame (optional)Greens, seeds, red pepper for submission (optional)
1. Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add cumin and red pepper to oil. Add onion, garlic, salt and fry for 1 minute.
2. Add lentils, vegetable broth, 2 cups of water and turmeric. Cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer for 25 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated.
3. When serving, decorate with greens, sesame, your favorite seeds and red pepper (optional).