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Description of preparation: "Kamdi-cha" in Korea is very popular, and everyone cooks to his taste. This salad can be prepared very spicy with the addition of red hot pepper, you can add soy sauce or cook without it, you can heat the vegetable oil and fry sesame on it, you can add roasted pork. But the main "chip" is a little undercooked potato. With this method of cooking potatoes retains all the nutrients and is well absorbed by the body.


Potatoes - 500 Grams

Onions - 1 Piece

Garlic - 1-2 Dental

Vegetable oil - 3 Art. Spoons

Vinegar - 2 Art. Spoons

Salt - 1 Teaspoon

Pepper black ground - To taste

Water - 2 Liter (for cooking)

How to cook "Kamdi-cha" Prepare the necessary ingredients. Peel potatoes, place in water. Grate for a Korean carrot. Grind immediately in cold water with vinegar. Leave for a while. In such water, the potatoes do not darken, get rid of excess starch and then do not boil soft in boiling water. Meanwhile, put the pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil.

Dip the potatoes in boiling water for 2–3 minutes, then fold them into a sieve. Potatoes should not be boiled soft and soft. It will crunch a little. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Pour oil into the pan and heat, add chopped onion, fry until golden. Place potatoes in a bowl. Add garlic, pepper, hot oil with onions, soy sauce and mix. Let it sit a little. Enjoy your meal!

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