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The composition and use of eggplant Eggplant fruits contain: dry matter 7.1 - 11% sugars 2.72-4% proteins 0.6–1.4% fat 0.1–0.4% Eggplants are rich in fiber and organic acids that stimulate the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pectins, which help the resorption of congestion in the gallbladder. Therefore, they are effectively used as a therapeutic food for atherosclerosis, as an excellent diuretic and a good stimulator of the intestine. Soft, gentle fiber Eggplant regulates the acid-base balance. At the same time, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases significantly - in some cases, up to 40%. And this is one of the main advantages of eggplant.

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