Frozen yogurt is very popular, although its benefits are rather dubious. It adds a large amount of sugar, and often dyes, flavor enhancers and stabilizers. But we can easily cook a useful analogue of such a dessert at home!
Ingredients:300 ml of vegetable or natural yogurt without fillers1 cup blueberries (you can take frozen)2 tbsp. maple syrup or agave nectar1 tsp vanilla extract
Recipe:Grind blueberries in a blender to a state of mashed potatoes. If you do not want bones in the ice cream, skip the mashed potatoes through a sieve. Mix in a bowl yogurt, blueberry puree, vanilla and syrup until smooth. Pour into a container and put in a freezer for 4-6 hours. Take out the container every 30 minutes and mix the ice cream.