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Avocado Pesto Pizza

Delicious green pizza with pesto, avocado, pine nuts and greens. Impossible to tear off!


For the test: 2 cups of flour 0.5 glass of water 3 glasses of olive oil (can be replaced by vegetable) A pinch of salt For pesto sauce: 2 large handfuls of fresh basil leaves 3 cloves of garlic (optional) 1/3 cup (45 g) pine nuts 2/3 cup (155 ml) of olive oil A pinch of salt and pepper For filling: 1 avocado sliced 200 g cherry tomatoes, sliced Pine nuts (optional) Rukola Basil leaves 200 grams of vegan cheese

Recipe: 1. Sift the flour. Gradually add water and stir the dough with a spoon. Add salt. Stir. Add butter. Knead the dough well. Cover the dough for 30 minutes. 2. Brown the pine nuts to a light brown color. Blend roasted nuts, garlic cloves, basil leaves, butter, yeast and seasoning. At high speed, it will take about 2 minutes. 3. Roll out the dough, put it on a baking sheet. Spread the pesto on the pizza base and place the filling ingredients in top order in any order. 4. Bake the pizza at 180 degrees for about 5 minutes until the vegan cheese has melted. 5. Remove the pizza from the oven. Spread the sliced ​​avocado on top. Enjoy your meal!

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