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Asian soup in a can

You will be surprised not only by the speed of preparation of this soup, but also by unusual dishes - it is prepared and served in a jar!

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l miso paste 40 gr rice noodles 100 gr broccoli Half zucchini peeled 3 chopped green onion pods Half Red Chilli, finely chopped 2 tbsp. l chopped parsley 2 tsp red curry paste Half carrots, peeled and chopped 3 tsp finely grated ginger Half lemon or lime juice Recipe: 1. Put all the ingredients (except lemon juice) in a high jar. 2. Pour about 500 ml of boiling water. Mix well. Leave on for 4-5 minutes to cook the noodles. 3. Serve with lemon juice.

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