EXXA - Registration Instructions

Overview of EXXA investment project and independent review.
Referral code — 58815383
Hi, everybody! In a few words, EXXA — is a project from the series of common trend of the "Crypto wallets", where you can send your crypto currency and receive "passive income". In this area you should keep a cool head and remember about the risks (it's a pyramid and sooner or later, it will fall). In my opinion on marketing, based on today's Token price, which is going to rice after the official start of the project, this topic is more interesting and unlike the analogues (where the coin price has already risen to several dollars), it's just in the beginning of its way. I've noticed an international movement in here and tens of millions of dollars turnover, which are not from the CIS countries (this is a positive moment for the successful working of the project). Official start of EXXA project will take place in Singapore on 28th September, and I will be there!
For example: the first project of such kind Plus Token exists approximately for a year and Token price rose from 0.4$ to 300$ (Real High Profit).
I advice you to wrap your head around this, for not blaming yourself afterwards for a lost opportunity!
P.S. Deal with the project as a high risk opportunity for making some money.
P.S. (1) Such type of projects work on human greed, so don't forget to withdraw what you've earned.
P.S. (2) Referral code — 58815383
EXXA — is a Singaporean multiple currency Crypto wallet. It's a smartphone app, which we install to our phone. Here you can simply keep your crypto currency, BUT also you can do something way more interesting! With only a few clicks you can send your Bitcoins, Ethereums, USDT and other coins into the trust management. By doing this simple action, you start to receive 3-19% of a daily income per month (3-9% if deposit is under 300$ and 6-19% if deposit is above 300$)! And there is more! You receive your income in EXXA Token, and its price is constantly growing!
In the similar project Plus Token, which has already been working for more than a year, Token price has risen from 0,4$ to 300$. Initial Plus Token investors raised their capital 600 times! Many of them became millionaires. Clearly, Plus Token is a lost opportunity already, but there is a second chance: EXXA - project, which hasn't started yet, and Token price is on its start.
The potential is great!
To prove this legend, there are trading reports, which you can see inside the app. Specially for our team Digital Nation we are going to make a translation straight from Singapore!
Gregory Ang is a founder of GangTV, he played an important role in planning of business-operations and marketing initiatives, deliveries and promotions of the project around the whole region. Thanks to his natural and innovative style, he became the number one professional in Asia in HD-channels area in 2006.
Since then he became an integral part in marketing of such channels as Discovery Channel, ESPN, Hallmark Channel, The Food Network HD, Sundance Channel, WE TV, KMTV, AMC Networks International, Fashion One TV, Fashion 4K and Videofashion News 4K spreading the content to the millions of people in the Asian-Pacific region.
Conditions for the investors
Contribution currency: BTC, ETH, USDT, LTC
Minimum deposit: 50$, but for the activation of the partner program you will need not less than 300$!
Its a non-term deposit! The nominal value of the deposit can be withdrawn any moment!
(If you withdraw earlier than 30 days, commission is 10%, later than 30 days — 1%)
Profitability varies 3-19% per month and it doesn't depend on the contribution amount! Income assessment is everyday.
Income is paid EXXA Tokens. You can exchange them to Ethereum inside of your wallet and cash out. The nominal value of the deposit doesn't convert! If you invest Ethereum, you will receive income in Ethereum!
Don't forget, that apart from daily percent assessment, EXXA Token price is growing, too! That's why you can receive much more higher profit!
Partner program:
1st line: 100% of the daily income!
2nd line: 50% of the income!
Every personal partner with a deposit, who was brought by you, opens new depth. For example, if you bring 7 people, you will open 7 levels! Therefore, you can open 10 lines!
3rd — 10th lines: 5% of the income.
If common turnover of your team is 200 000$ and you have 16 partners of the 1st line, you receive the X1 rank and start to receive 10% of your partners' income (from the 3rd line up to infinity).
If in your 3 different lines there are 3 people with X1 rank, you receive the X2 rank and start to receive 15% of your partners' income (from the 3rd line up to infinity).
If in your 3 different lines there are 3 people with X2 rank, you receive the X3 rank and start to receive 20% percent of your partners' income (from the 3rd line up to infinity).
If in your 3 different lines there are 3 people with X3 rank, you receive the X4 rank and start to receive 25% percent of your partners' income (from the 3rd line up to infinity).
If in your 3 different lines there are 3 people with X4 rank, you receive the X5 rank and start to receive 30% percent of your partners' income (from the 3rd line up to infinity).
Note: If your partner catches up and gets the same rank as you - you stop receiving an additional percent of his/her income. In contrast to the analogues, we can see the compression in here. And that is very good!
Why do you need to invest in EXXA right now?
1. This is a trendy idea of Crypto wallet with a function of Trust Management. Similar project Plus Token produced a lot of millionaires. EXXA learnt from the mistakes of its older brother and made even more high-quality product!
2. It's simple! Unlike the analogues, registration here takes you 5 seconds. Also, you don't need to wait for SMS, which a lot of people don't even receive!
3. There are trading reports and a proof of the existing working trading software. Analogues didn't have any of it.
4. Opened management! You have a direct connection with administrators.
5. International flow! Leaders from the USA, Malaysia and Germany are already here.
6. The project on its very start! And the first ones earn the most!
7. It's only starting! The market is free!
8. The partner program is not as aggressive as in analogue projects. Also, there is a compression and it extends the life expectancy of the project!
How can I become an EXXA investor?
1. Download the app by this link - https://exxa.net/
Or straight from App Store:
APPLE Store (iOS): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/exxa-network/id1479961519
Google Play Market (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inx.exxa
2. Start the app, press «Create account», create the Nickname and enter the referral code — 58815383.
3. Create a login password, reenter it for the checking and press "Next", then create payment PIN-code and press "Next" again, then enter the PIN-code again and again press "next".
4. In the next window program will generate 12 words phrase for you - it's a mnemonic phrase, your access to your wallet. Save the mnemonic phrase, it will help you to restore your wallet in case of instances of force majeure! (If you loose your password etc.)
Then click the "Continue" button.
5. Prove that you wrote down the mnemonic phrase, place the words in order, which was given to you in the previous window. If you did it right, you will be able to press "Continue".
6. You'll see your login on the screen - "Account Number"
Your password - "Account Password"
Your PIN-code - "Transaction Password"
Your personal referral code for invitations into the team. - "Referral Code"
Press "eye-shaped" sign to display the information and necessarily save everything!(Write it down or make a screenshot). It's very important!
7. After you saved everything, press "Sign In" and in popped up window press "yes".
8. You will be returned to the entrance page of the app. (If no, just open the app and press "Sign In").
Enter your account number into "Account Number" field and enter the password, which you created into "Password" field, then press "Sign In".
9. Press "VAULT" on the top of the main page and then press "Receive", after that choose the deposit coin and press "Create Wallet". The best variant is Ethereum, but you can choose others, too! Then tick and press"Confirm", and then "Go back"
10. Press "Receive" in the top right corner again and choose the crypto currency of your wallet, which you've just created. You will see the wallet address lower to send the crypto currency and recharge your balance in EXXA, send some coins to it. Then press the arrow in the top left corner and wait for coins to arrive into your balance. (It can take from 1 min. to 1 hour, depending on crypto currency and commission).
11. When coins arrive, go back to the main page and press Project/DEVO+/Participate/ on the top, and press green button ADD in front of your chosen crypto currency, then press "MAX" and button ADD, after that agree by ticking and press "confirm", then enter your 6 numbered PIN-code, then press tick and "Go Back". Within an hour your crypto currency will go into working and trades will start.
To make sure of it, you can open the main page. You will see the sum which is in working at robot DEVO+, it will be displayed in the Project Pool in USDT field.
That's all, now your contribution is working! You will receive income every day. It will appear in your balance in EXXA Token.